Thursday, February 25, 2010

25th Feb

The highlight of the day was the children of grade 5 creating a Ning network :

All the children joined this network and learnt how to use it. We will be using this one to share any information, thoughts, ideas and opinions regarding the PYP Exhibition. I recommend all the parents also to join this one as their inputs are also very important!

The children did an activity on Etymology. They divided themselves into 6 groups. Many words were put in a jar. Each group was asked to pick a word and find the origin of that word. The group which solved the maximum words would win.

In math, the children learnt division of fractions. They watched a video and tried to solve it through pictures. They then learnt the mathematical way of solving it and solved some problems on the board.

The children were also divided into groups in UOI. Now that they have got a wholesome understanding of the Indus Valley Civilization, each group will research into the essential components of one other civilization. The other civilizations are: Egyptian, Roman, Aztec and Chinese Civilization. Next week each group will present their understanding through 3 media: Written, Musical and technological.

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