Saturday, February 27, 2010

27th Feb

We had a quiz on Fractions today. The children were divided into two teams. Questions were on the white board. One child from both the teams would simultaneously solve the problem given. The child who solves the problem first would earn points for his/her team. After a few rounds, we stopped the quiz (as some children had forgotten the topics taught earlier in fractions). Time was given to the teams to make sure all the team members are proficient with the concepts. The teams then broke themselves into pairs and gave some practice to each other. The children have also received some practice problems that can be solved at home.

In Language, the children continued with their 'My Novel' project. Today, they spent some time to select a genre and then describe the setting of the novel. They also re - iterated 'prepositions' through an interactive PowerPoint presentation.

The Inquiry groups in 'Ancient Civilizations' began the procedure of collecting facts for their presentations next week. The groups read books related to their own civilization and took notes in their UOI books. They have taken some books home to read over the week end and collect more facts.


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