For the PYP exhibition, the Grade 5 will be divided into groups. To make the understanding more meaningful, care must be taken so that each child works on something he/she is passionate about. Also, amongst all the 5 PYP elements (Learner Profile, Attitudes, Concepts, Transdisiplinary skills and Action), a lot of focus should be on the ACTION component. That means, whatever topic a child chooses, there should be some scope for each him/her to bring about a change, however small it may be. For example, if a child chooses to work on "Use of resources"; even if that particular child begins to turn off the lights and fans, it will be considered as 'action'.
The schools may choose to do the exhibition under any one of the six trans disciplinary themes. (We do one unit under every theme). We at Indus choose to do the exhibition under the theme "Sharing the planet". This is described as:
"An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution."
For the sake of grouping the children, they were asked to write an article on any three issues that concern them the most (so that the child feels strongly about the topic). They were asked to choose the issue that exists in their immediate environment (so that substantial action can be taken).
After discussing the article written by all the children, Grade 5 was divided into four groups who will towards:
1. Climate change
2. Use of resources
3. Stray animals
4. Garbage disposal
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